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I’ve been doing and loving everything about graphics and writing since I was in high school, yet didn’t start to treat it professional until I finished my study in the high credited courses in MA Magazine Journalism in the University of Sheffield, the UK, which proves my ability and gain me the confidence to go into the industry. No matter what my future would be, I will insist my dedication to the media industry.


Want to know more about me? Feel free to CONTACT
想知道更多關於我? 歡迎聯繫

About ECO​

The Person

Behind The Screen



The Website

My Little Playground


This is my showcase of what I’ve been doing and what I love. The website contains layout designs, graphics and words with that I want to expose my skills and competencies.

Although the site seems a bit fresh and playful as I prefer, I am more than happy to work for different styles of designs and writing. I believe there are always possibilities in the world of graphics and words.

        雖然網站帶點清新和玩味,但是我很喜歡參與到不同類型的設計和寫作裡。因為我相信, 文字和圖像的世界裡充滿任何可能。

The website is just built, more content would be added soon, welcome to visit

Thank Mr. Ma, my lifelong photography teacher and friend that not only taught me the skills of photography, but also a photographer’s attitude to life.

Also, thank my tutors in MA Magazine Journalism, the University of Sheffield, UK, Yvonne Illsley, Peter Genower and other tutors, who taught me everything about Journalism, from web to print, from writing to designing, from ethics to legal issues.

Thank family and friends that support me all the way through.


       感謝我在謝菲爾德大學新聞專業的導師們,特別是Yvonne Illsley 和Peter Genower, 感謝他們傳授我從網頁到印刷,從寫作到設計,從道德到法律的所有新聞技巧.

Always Be Thankful



What I do & What I love

我的小標簽. 我做的和我喜愛的

Trainee Journalist  新聞記者
From Dongguan Student Media Centre, China to MA Magazine Journalism graduate, it has been 5 years. I enjoy the excitement of being driven by deadline and knowing others’ stories, as well as the creativity in various platform of designing and the craft of words.



Photographer 攝影師

I have already treated photography as part of my life after 9 years non-stop doing it, and it seems shooting and editing always give me happy hours even when I am in sorrow.



Teacher  教師
I was once a tutor in Dongguan University of Technology, China, as well as a teacher at Business and Negotiation English in Modern English Training Centre (METC), Dongguan, China. Also, I was teacher assistant for several English summer camps in METC.



Volunteer  志願者
I am a member of Joy In Action (JIA), to support and improve the living environments for lepers. I’ve been to ShaDuxi  Work Camp in Hunan, China, as well as some other Cantonese camps. More information please visit Photography in the Middle of China or JIA website.

        我是 Joy In Action (家)的一員,相信能通過我的努力為痲瘋病患康復村村民的生活環境帶來一點點改善。我曾參與中國湘西沙渡溪工作營以及一些廣東營。詳情請查看湘西黔行或者JIA主頁


Always Student! 永遠的學生!
Life needs always learning, improving and exceeding. I enjoy the excitement brought by the upcoming challenges and progresses. I am now deepening my skills in Adobe Illustrator and Dream weaver coding. Want to know more my progress? You are more than welcome to contact me through my blog.

       生活需要不斷的學習,改善和超越。我喜歡這樣的不斷挑戰和進步。我最近在深化Adobe Illustrator的技巧,以及Dream Weaver 代碼的應用。最新詳情會在我的博客上更新,歡迎交流喔!

A Few Words About...


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